Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Oct. Meeting Minutes

There was no secretary present at last Friday's (10/26) meeting. By recollection, the items discussed were as follows–

Old Business: A check was issued to the national alumni association. Spelman has paid remaining balance from BTS cookout.
Financial Report: Financial secretary was not present, but a detailed report was distributed to the group. A suggestion was made that a simplified report should be prepared for future distributions. One that members could more easily decipher.
Elections: Donovan Samuels presented a list of nominees. Offices were not specified.
Events: The Bachelor Auction organizers were not present. No progress reported. The New Years HBCU party has been cancelled due to time limitations. The members agreed to move forward with planning an event in February to coincide with a possible visit by President Franklin. There is a possibility of retaining Magic Johnson for this event as well. Cecil Brim and an associate of Eric Rice are point persons. In December, there will be a recruitment fair that we should have a presence at.
Membership Committee: There was a membership meeting held at my apt. earlier in the month. Immediate goals include to reconcile the national and local mailing lists. Once compiled, we will be conducting a survey to gauge the local alumni population and form a basis for recruitment/reclamation. Also, we are working on a membership drive event to take place in Nov. or Dec.
Marketing Committee: A meeting was held this month and it the immediate goals include creation of a marketing package for assisting in attracting corporate sponsorship. A sample layout was distributed. An email template was introduced. Its purpose is to direct traffic to this blog and present a more professional image when we contact members. This blog was introduced. In discussion, security/privacy issues were mentioned esp. in regard to personal info appearing on the site. Also, it was decided that there needs to be a point person who is responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with corporate donors.
Open floor, Questions etc.: I don't recall. Assistance?

Please assist in filling in omissions by posting missing information in the comments section below. I will update these minutes as needed.

Michael Glasco

note: We want to thank all that attended and welcome new alumni Troy Brown and Almuhtada Smith.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Morehouse Recruiter in Los Angeles until Nov. 10

We have Mr. John Hobbs, the Morehouse recruiter responsible for California in Los Angeles right now, and we want to make sure we get him in front of our best and brightest students. He has a dynamic presentation and we want these kids to hear it. Two things we want to do are

1. Give him the names and contact information of great candidates for the school. He would need Name, School, Phone Number, email and any other vital information. If you have neighbors or friends with young men in the 11th or 12th grade, or a young man of your own, help us spread the positive benefits of Morehouse to those students.

2. Volunteer to host a meeting at your home, office or church where students can join as a group, hear a presentation and interact with the recruiter. We really need to make this happen, and hopefully, this can be a yearly interaction. It would need to be on Nov 9 or 10, 2007, so please let me know ASAP.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Profile Layout

Here is a sample layout for the "Profiles" marketing piece. Maybe we can do 5 a month and add them to the blog. Please provide feedback.


Alumni Membership survey

We have a survey setup to query members regarding their contact info and a few basic questions regarding their membership status. Please click link below and check it out. It has not been published and can be modified per your suggestions. Please provide feedback.

This format also lends itself very well to conducting elections as there are options for signing in, restricting retake and scoring responses to the survey. It can also be set to anonymous as it is now.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

General Meeting This Friday

We will be having a general body meeting of the Greater Los Angeles Morehouse Alumni Association on this upcoming Friday at 7:30PM at the home of Dr. Johnathan Pryor. Please be there at 7:00. Food and beverages will be served. More beer is always welcome, however.

Amongst the very important topics to be discussed are:
1. Upcoming /Fund Raising Social Activities
Bachelor Auction
HBCU New years party
2. Sponsorship planning committee
3. Outreach for students
4. Membership Drive
5 Chapter elections ???? TBD. All offices are up for election.
6. Other chapter business.
Please make plans to join us.

As a side note, Dr. Jonathan Pryor, our host and a great friend of the Alumni Association will be deploying to Iraq on Nov 12. Please help us to wish him well. We will be hosting a casual event in his honor the week before his deployment.

Eric Rice

College Day this Thursday

Help is still needed with this event which will be hosted by our own Reginald Roberts. If you want to tell young people about what you do, and help shape their lives, please consider being a part of this career day.

Our first function of the school year is here!
College Day
October 25, 2007 (Thursday) - 3:30 - 4:50 pm
Audubon Middle School is located at:
4120 11th Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 290-6300

This will be a chance to talk to our kids about going to college. We want to give them a "Road Map" to success so they know what they need to do each step of the way to make it to college. Wear your School colors, college shirt or hat and come share with our kids! Your personal stories can help provide the motivation that many of these kids need. Seeing you and listening to your story makes the possibility of college real to the kids. Come join us and share your story with hopes that some of our kids will follow in your foot steps!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Oct. Membership meeting notes

Our immediate goals include:

A reconciliation between our national and local mailing lists. Chris McGee
A survey of local members to verify contact info etc. Michael Glasco
Develop a membership drive event for the holidays. Perhaps a food drive sponsored by a local restaurant. Jason May

Oct. PR/Marketing meeting notes

The website needs to be redone. Michael Glasco is point person.

We are developing a sponsorship package to attract corporate partners. One part of the theme will be profiles of successful alumni. The other thing we will highlight is our scholarship efforts. It will be printed in limited quantity (<100). Eric Rice and Jonathan Pryor are developing the written content. Michael Glasco will handle the layout. Layout sample to be by finished by 11/1. The printing budget is ??. Delivery date is ??

Needed: A member who can develop and maintain relationships with potential target corporations.

The committee also discussed upcoming events such as the New Years Eve HBCU event and the bachelor auction.

If anyone has expertise in marketing and/or corporate sponsorship efforts, please step forward, we need your help.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Clippers vs. Supersonics-Free Childrens tickets

Hi All,
Breaking News: We have an opportunity from the Clipper Organization to receive 50 free children tickets.
Our offer to you is parents pay $25 and children up to 12 are free. Spread the word. Youth groups invited.
Please contact your network of Alumni and friends and ask them if the would like to attend the Clipper game with us. Tickets are $25. Payable to UNCF. Mail check to: United Negro College Fund, 3699 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 675, Los Angeles, CA 90010. Reply to me with the list of your Alumni and friends who are planning to go. Reply to: See details below:
UNCF & Los Angeles Inter-Alumni Council

Invites you to join us for an exciting evening of fun

LA Clippers Vs Seattle Supersonics

Friday, October 26, 2007

Game Time: 7:30 PM

Doors Open @ 6:00 PM

Staples Center

Tickets must be purchased by Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tickets will be distributed on October 26 @ 6:30 PM

Registration table will be at the 11th St. & Georgia entrance

For more information please contact:

Arthur Davis

(805) 490-4928 E-mail:

Please send checks to: United Negro College Fund, 3699 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 675, Los Angeles, CA 90010

Best Regards,

Arthur B. Davis

Vice President, LAIAC

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Representation needed at College Day

If you would like to participate in this event, please contact Reginald Roberts, and represent for us. Be a role model for excellence. Represent Morehouse


Our first function of the school year is here!
College Day
October 25, 2007 (Thursday) - 3:30 - 4:50 pm
Audubon Middle School is located at:
4120 11th Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 290-6300

This will be a chance to talk to our kids about going to college. We want to give them a "Road Map" to success so they know what they need to do each step of the way to make it to college. Wear your School colors, college shirt or hat and come share with our kids! Your personal stories can help provide the motivation that many of these kids need. Seeing you and listening to your story makes the possibility of college real to the kids. Come join us and share your story with hopes that some of our kids will follow in your foot steps!

We will have information for you and the kids on the date of the event.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to me with your name, contact info. and the school you will represent.
Special thanks to our early volunteers:
1. Jay Lake – UCLA
2. Stephanie J. Floris – - University of Miami
3. Henderson Jr., Uleses C. – Purdue University
4. Rita Mims – SF State
5. Walter Mosley - - Michigan

Make sure you represent your school!!

Reginald Roberts, Jr., Esq.
Adorno Yoss Alvarado & Smith
633 W. Fifth Street, Suite 1150
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(213) 229-2400 - Telephone
(213) 229-2499 - Fax

GLAMAA Blog test

Upon examination of a few relevant websites including those mentioned recently, I think a site CAN be a great tool for building our organization, but we must give brothers a reason to visit frequently. I present this test run for the GLAMAA blog.

It provides a vehicle for the organization to present messages in a unified way. Its a big improvement over generic emails.
I will commit to being the "admin" if everyone agrees to move forward in this direction, but the great thing is that anyone on an approved list can post. And its very easy to do. Also, anyone can leave a comment on a thread.

The real point is for this blog is to serve as a hub for the org including:
contact info
dues paying paypal link
committee info/progress
community sevice projects
discussion threads (jena 6, aids, poverty, education etc.)
anything at all! the point is it can be completely flexible and very dynamic

I think we can drive traffic to the site on a regular basis via teaser emails (a la Evite) w/current post headlines as links.

Please take a look and be ready to discuss. Pass it on to whomever you see fit for feedback, BUT it is not official and will not be announced/presented to the members UNTIL there has been time to address issues such as:

•who should be able to post (paid dues?)
•what contact info will be posted
•what else should/could be included (including from past GLAMAA site)
•other issues/concerns that you can think of

**try replying in the comments section

Michael Glasco

Monday, October 15, 2007

Related Alumni association sites

Please check these out and make note of what you feel is good content and what doesn't keep your interest. also for Content for website and marketing about Thomas Kilgore
deltas give out 17k a year in LA!

Representation needed for Rialto

There is a need to have representation at Rialto HS in Rialto, on this Saturday, Oct 20th 7a to 4p as part of their Gate Conference. I normally take part in this event but this year it's the same day as homecoming and I have a MH Alumni Assn Board meeting.

The point of contact is Ms Daniels at 909 820 7700 x2363. HOpe I have her name correct.

What I have done in the past is to be there w/materials and have a table. This last year 2006 after the initial session I met with students in a classroom. Then subsequently participated in a general session. I don't remember staying after lunch although the school provided both breakfast and lunch.

Pls advise earliest.

Don Long sends

Alumni success profiles

We are creating a marketing document to help promote the activities of the Alumni Association to solicit funds, and we would like to focus on examples of some of our best and brightest local alumni and students. We would like to include a brief statement, picture (action picture or in work clothes), and brief title, job description, etc of distinguished Morehouse Men. We would like the opportunity to include your likeness and statement about the mission of the alumni association, the college or the need to send students to Morehouse.

The following list is what we have compiled:
Robert Davidson-Entreprenuer
Jacque Sexton-Bank VP
Seith Mann-Director
Terrell Smith-scientist Cal-tech
Kwasi Connor-Scientist-USC
Calvin Jackson-Education
Rupert Byrdsong-lawyer
Dr. Littlejohn physician-passed
Brent Tilley-teacher/ Political pact
Almuhtada Smith-law Student UCLA/entreprenuer
Dennis Cummings-Business Student USC
Stan Washington
Oscar Moore-Physician
Tony Mack- Entreprenuer

I have no guarantee that all of these people will be available, or that all will have quotes and pictures that will be used, but we ask that you do make yourself available for the process. I am also interested in any other people who might be great examples of Morehouse men in the LA Area. We are looking for our shining lights, and to show that Morehouse Produces great men who give back to their community and reach for excellence. We are showcasing young graduates and seasoned contributors for this campaign. I hope you can help.


Membership Committee progress

Immediate Objectives:

Revise the Mailing List (acclamation of Contacts for possible members)
Coordinate contact list with National Association mailing list
Draft a survey to include interests and suggestions of current and prospective members
Membership Drive to include FEE and Incentives e.g. T-Shirts Calendar

GLAMAA support personell needed

Hi All,

I want to mention some GLAMAA support activities that have (historically) been performed by volunteers rather than officers. That is, the tasks were not specific to an existing office but were needed or desired. The volunteer approach was taken rather than expanding the duties of an office or creating a standing committee. The following list may not be complete, it is only what I recall.

sunshine: acknowledgement and expression to alumnus or family during crisis
web master: creation and maintenance of a web site
web services: filing for site name, site hosting, recurring fees
contact list maintenance: update and distribution of contact list
notices: distribution of info to alumni
mail: receipt of and distribution of USPS items
mail: maintenance of a postal address
email: maintenance of email system
phone messages: maintenance of phone message system
Tiger Tales newsletter: guest editor

In some organizations the mission, goals, and guidelines for the authority, limitations, and protocols are available either in writing or by understanding of the institution involved; for example, a lawyer belonging to a legal association probably doesn't need lots of framework when performing on an ad hoc committee. Not true for an organization like ours; the only common experience that can be assumed is that everyone attended the same undergraduate institution at some time.

As we embark upon rebuilding, rejuvenating, and cleaning house maybe we should work as a team with many star squads, rather than a team with many stars?

Best wishes,


Membership Outreach

I got this from Dion Bing Turner, whose family is opening a "Candy Lounge" on Melrose one block east of Fairfax. Please support our friends, and at the same time, indulge your sweet tooth this weekend for the opening. Mention you are a Morehouse Alumni and recieve 15% off any purchase. It is a family friendly weekend. Enjoy!!!


Dear Brothers,

I would like to invite you out to my families' latest venture on Melrose. The Sweet Sugar Candy Lounge! This weekend, we our offering a special discount to all family and friends. That includes all Morehouse Brothers and Spellman sisters! Come out, hang out, and bring a friend.

Dion Bing Turner '99

Kappa Alpha Psi Wine & Cheese mixer

Good Morning Brothers,

Kappa Alpha Psi is kicking off to a New Year 2007-2008. Beverly Hills Century City is starting this year with our 3rd Annual Wine & Cheese. This event is to raise funds for our Guide Right Program the Gentlemen's Klub and Scholarship.

This will be a grand event and we invite all to join us. The event will be October 21, 2007 at McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Grill in Beverly Hills. The details are attached.

If you have any questions give me or Miles Houze a call 310.946.7538.

Robert Spearman

Membership Outreach

My Morehouse brethren,

The Greater Los Angeles Morehouse Alumni Association (GLAMAA) is holding a Membership Drive.

Now is a good time to become involved with you alma mater.

We are planning some affordable and lively events in the up and coming months and we want everyone to have the option of participating.

Please, help us increase our contact list by submitting your updated contact information e.g. name address telephone and email and the contact information of any alumni you know in the Greater Los Angels area.

I know that were all busy chasing that higher plain, but we can’t make this happen alone. Search your mental rolodex and email any contacts you have.

Thank you in advance,
Jason May class of 1992
4902 Valley Ridge Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90043
(323) 293-5670 hm
(323) 829 2883 cell

Homecoming 2007

I am trying to get an account of all of the LA Alumni who will be going back to Morehouse for Homecoming this year. If you are going and also if you have an idea of some of the events you will be attending (i.e., golf tournament, parties, cookouts), please send me an email so we know who is there, and what is going on. I will compile a list, so possibly some of you can get together on some things before next week. And oh yes, I will be there.


PR/Marketing Committee

This committee consists of Maurice Hale, Michael Glasco, Eric Rice and Jonathon Pryor currently. Our job is to create a winning professional image for the college. In my opinion, this includes a marketing piece, meaning a view book of local alumni and students and success stories featuring GLAMAA. We also want to create a social image as well. Everything is up for discussion. Lets get together.

Membership/Reclamation comittee

This committee consists of Michael Glasco, Chris McGee, Jacques Sexton and Jason May . We had a survey that went out last year and we had some initial research conducted by Michael Glasco and Tommy Brewer to build on, but there is much work to do. Please get together amongst yourselves to plan to meet, to come up with suggestions, a format and a game plan. I would like to work with you, because I have some ideas. One of these is to send out self addressed, stamped envelopes to our members to solicit dues for this year. It might be the push they need. Also, at the same time I would like to link this group with some of the other activities we have underway. One of these is to as alumni if they would like to present our marketing materials to their job to solicit contributions for scholarships or functions. Another is to offer Alumni the opportunity to buy college and Alumni Association Paraphernalia with their returned information. Such as offering them a choice of t-shirts, window stickers, license plate holders, or other items that they can purchase as well as the dues. Lets get together soon.

Passing of Marietta Williams

I regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Marietta Williams on Friday, September 28, 2006. Services for the widow of prominent Los Angeles dentist, Dr. Morris Williams, '50, will be held Monday, October 8, at the Lewis Metropolitan CME Church, 4900 S. Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90062.

Members of the Morehouse family are encouraged to attend the services of one of our long standing and ardent supporters.

Dr. Robert Franklin visit


On Sept 24, the newly appointed president of Morehouse College was in Los Angeles to film a segment for the upcoming UNCF Evening of Stars Program. He took this opportunity to meet with Board of Trustee Members the West. He also asked Henry Goodgame to invite a small contingent from GLAMAA to join him for breakfast, so that he could introduce himself to us, and get a feel for the alumni association. We were asked to invite a limited number of guests for intimate, semi-formal affair at the Marmalade Café in El Segundo. I made a list of some of the most active and supportive members of our local alumni chapter, and cleared it with school. They added names they wanted included as well. The result was an even collection of 25 distinguished men from classes from 1950 to 2005 The school was very pleased. In addition, Mr. G. Bernard Brown made a large donation to the school and presented it during the introductions. From every indication, we made a great impact on the new President, and his attendants. In the future, there is every indication that his trips to the LA area will include the same sort of breakfast meeting with the Men of the Greater Los Angeles Alumni Association. Through your participation and support, we hope that you will be chosen to join us next time.


2008 Elections, Oct. 26

The Attached document, contains a proposed a standardized procedure for all future elections, descriptions of officers/board of directors, and the current, Bylaws of the Greater Los Angeles Morehouse Alumni Association .

The highlighted areas in this documents are deadlines that can be changed based upon the approval of the current General Body.

In regards the Directors, my concern is that the current Bylaws vaguely identifies the description of Vice President, and does include the 2nd Vice President, and the Financial Secretary as Directors.

Unfortunately, due to prior commitments, I will not be able to attend tonight's meeting.

If you have any questions please feel free to respond to me I will be at work until 3:15pm

Thank you
Donovan Samuels
Election Chair

General Body Meeting Friday, Sep 28

We had a great meeting on this past Friday for the Greater Los Angles Morehouse Alumni Association, and thanks to Jason May, we have those minutes available for your perusal. We decided on the formation of 5 committees, and we want you to be involved in atl east one of these. Please email me to volunteer your time, your expertise or your commitment to a minimun of one of the following committees. Meetings will be held twice a month and chair roles for each committee are available. Some volunteers have volunteered for more than one committee, but hopefully, we can get you involved to take some of the burden off of those committed to successful completion of our goals. This is a great opportunity to work with fellow alums. There is something to be gained by the association of Strong men working towards a cause. Remember Proverbs 27:17 "

Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another." help us build this Association into something this whole town can be proud of. We can do it!

The following Committees and Volunteers were established:

Bachelor Auction – Maurice Hale, Darnell Holcolmb and Jason May
Fundraiser - Chris McGee and Jason May
PR/Marketing – Maurice Hale, Michael Glasco, Eric Rice and Jonathon Pryor
Recruitment – Chris McGee and Eric Rice
Membership/Reclamation – Michael Glasco, Chris McGee, Jacques Sexton and Jason May

October Meeting

We will be having a general body meeting of the Greater Los Angeles Morehouse Alumni Association on this upcoming Friday at 7:30PM at the home of Dr. Johnathan Pryor.

Amongst the very important topics to be discussed are
1. Upcoming /Fund Raising Social Activities
Bachelor Auction
HBCU New years party
2. Sponsorship planning committee
3. Outreach for students
4. Membership Drive
5. Chapter elections update. All offices are up for election.
6. Other chapter business.

Please make plans to join us.